Note Blog

Musings from the mind of a digital designer from Texas.
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Holy shit, Hello!

Ok, so fuck it, we’ll do it live as Bill O’Reilly would say. I’ve been sitting on this new theme I made for my new WordPress install, longer than Kanye’s been sitting on Donda. Seriously, I’ve had so many things get in the way of me publishing.. from debugging code, to having lack of work to show, and doing this when I’m not working my day job and trying to manage a social life. I think it’d be an understatement to say I’ve been affected by the pandemic, but I know I’m not the only one.

Back to business

So the dat is August 23rd, 2021 as I’m typing this. It’s a Monday.. One of my 2 days that I have off from my day job where I help people make their own eCommerce stores with a DIY platform, go figure. I’m loving the job so far, outside the fact that it’s not exactly the job I went to school for 4 years, to get a degree that doesn’t take nearly as long to receive. Anyways, I just spontaneously decided to hop on the site and get the WordPress install I had sitting over at /wp and move it to the root over here at Took me seconds to move it, but it took 2 hours to find a button to purge the site’s cache. It was displaying old files that I had updated already and it was serving a broken site basically. As I was saying earlier, I’m doing this all live. YOLO right? Just kidding, I made backups! Now is a functioning WordPress site once again, for now.

Still a Work In Progress

This theme is about 95% done. There are still some HTML bugs on some of the blog pages like for Categories, I want to play with the logo, update the image on the about page. A few little things I have to clean up. I wanted to launch the site with content ready to go for the blog but as you can see, there’s nothing to show in the blog just yet, but staye tuned.. But hey, we have a blog again, and it’s pretty bitchin’ or it will be.. It’s been years since I’ve kept up with any kind of blog unless Twitter counts.

The Note Blog is Bitchin’ or it will be

I plan to basically share the resources and inspiration that has really helped me along my design path.. links to programs/services that have made my workflow easier or more productive. Links to other designers/devs that inspire me. I want to start a DIY Website Review series where I review services like Wix, Squarespace, Webflow, Tilda, and more. I want to see if they are worth the money, or if they can replicate workflows I have, I might look at them more favorably. As we let AI into more of the workspace, I hope that when it comes to the Design industry, we use AI to facilitate our designs and workflows rather than design something to replace us. See, I’ve got opinions..! Stay tuned.. I’ll get a blog subscription button set up soon, that button up top is totally nonfunctional lol.

There’s a Night Theme!

The point of this post is to signify the day I just stop procrastinating, leaning on excuses, and made progress. The site is now running on WordPress, there’s a blog in place, SEO is otw, and I have a new theme that is akin to a continuation of the last version. It has a light/dark theme built-in; if you click the crescent moon emoji in the navigation, you can toggle theme from light to dark and vice versa. If you notice, there’s a slight motion gradient acting as the background on both themes, but you can probably notice it better on the dark theme.

Anyways, that’s all I have to say for now, but I’ve set reminders to update the blog regularly, and the site as well. Search in your RSS readers and I’ll talk again soon!

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